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Be Inspired with Student Minds Network, youngCaritas and act now!

16 Oktober, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Looking to connect with organisations and movements that act for sustainability? This workshop is your gateway! Meet fellow students and discover inspiring projects, associations, and movements that can empower your engagement. Three organisations will present their initiatives, offering you direct opportunities to discuss with them and get involved. Register now and take the first step towards making a difference!

Event description

This workshop aims at connecting students who want to engage in sustainability with organisations and movements committed to a fairer and more sustainable society. The workshop will allow students to get to know already existing projects, associations and movements as further inspiration for engagement. To this effect, act now!, youngCaritas and Student Minds Network will be presented along with their activities. You will then have the chance to exchange with the project managers and spokespeople to discuss further opportunities to engage within these initiatives.

Participating organisations/movements

act now!

The climate emergency and the destruction of life are the greatest perils in our history. Disasters are multiplying, science is sounding the alarm, governments are failing to act, the media are silent and everyone is looking the other way. So what’s to be done?
act now! was born out of the need to act. They are Switzerland’s civil resistance, working for a non-violent revolution to preserve life on Earth in the face of the climate emergency.


Riwal, 21, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from UNIFR and is currently studying Sustainability at UNIL. He has been active in act now! for almost two years and has taken part in a number of civil disobedience actions.


They stand up for social justice, diversity, tolerance and sustainability and believe in the potential of young people who make a positive difference and shape society through passion and creativity.

The young team of Direct Help 4 Tanzania, a project supported by youngCaritas, is committed to social development in Tanzania. With their project ‘Her Voice’, they enable young women from unprivileged backgrounds to gain vocational training and thus the chance of an independent future. As a strong team, they are able to overcome differences in a successful collaboration and implement projects efficiently and sustainably.


Sarina Schöni, Head of Project Support youngCaritas. She has been involved in voluntary work with children and young people for many years, where she has organised and implemented numerous projects. In her role at youngCaritas, she supports project organisers in the successful implementation of their ideas and offers a wide range of resources for this purpose.

A project member of the donation organisation ‘Direct Help 4 Tanzania’.

Student Minds Network

Almost 25% percent of students in Switzerland suffer from moderate to severe depression. Next to chronic illnesses, mental health problems are the second most common health problem among students. It is time to act and the Student Minds Network aims to support and promote student mental health initiatives on a federal level. It serves as a national network of student and youth organisations that advocate for the mental health of students. The aim is to strengthen and protect the mental health of students and to de-taboo and destigmatise the topic in higher education and in society.

Nightline Zurich is an independent help-line run by students for students of universities and colleges in Zurich. It was established in 2005 and has since provided a confidential and anonymous listening and information service. Volunteer students from ETH, UZH and ZHAW are involved, offering a sympathetic ear for any conversation topics.


Seraina Campell, a history and geography student at the university of Bern, she will be presenting the Student Minds Network.

Paul studies psychology at the University of Zurich and is part of Nightline Zurich since 2023. Since spring 2024 Paul is part of the board at Nightline Zurich. He is mainly responsible for internal events.


  1. Introduction Focus Sustainability (5′)
  2. Presentation Young Caritas (15’)
  3. Presentation Student Minds Network (15’)
  4. Presentation act Now! (15′)
  5. 3 Breakout rooms: Questions and discussion (35’)
  6. Conclusion Focus Sustainability Feedback (5′)


This workshop is open to all students at Swiss higher education institutions and is free of charge.

Registration deadline: Monday 14th of October, 2024





16 Oktober, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm




Focus Sustainability