Boost Your Sustainable Journey: Network & Engage!


Discover the best practice of student sustainability oragnisations in different regions of Switzerland! Join our exciting networking event to connect with engaged students across Switzerland. Boost your sustainability journey!Event description You want to get more engaged in sustainability at your higher education institution or need some advice for your student organisation? Then you can’t miss […]

Strukturelle Verankerung der BNE Inhalte im Schulcurriculum für Zyklus 2 & 3


Entdecke, wie Du BNE Inhalte mit Praxisbeispielen aus dem Programm Klimaschule von MYBLUEPLANET und dem Projekt Klima-Erlebnis-Aktion vom Ökozentrum, in den Schulunterricht integrieren kannst!Eventbeschreibung Du studierst an einer Pädagogischen Hochschule und interessiert Dich für die langfristige und strukturelle Verankerung von BNE Inhalten im Schulcurriculum? In diesem Workshop werden aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen zum Thema BNE […]

How to Fund Your Sustainability Project Idea


Discover how to secure up to CHF 10,000 for your sustainability project idea with the U Change funding programme. Learn from the project manager of Klimaplausch and turn your vision into action. Limited spots - Register now!Event description You are interested in sustainability, have your own project ideas and are still looking for funding? Then […]

Imaginons des futurs durables au-delà de nos croyances sur l’avenir

Salle 105 du Bâtiment 21, Campus Energypolis Sion Rue de l'industrie, Sion, Switzerland

Es-tu intéressé.e à explorer des futurs désirables et durables avec d'autres é des hautes écoles suisses ? Rejoins-nous pour cet atelier interactif et passionnant lors de la Sustainable University Day 2024 le samedi 23 mars à Sion.Description Un atelier interactif comprenant quiz, carte du futur dans l'espace, échanges entre participant.e.s, et moment créatif, afin de […]

Sustainable Projects; From Dream to Reality with Dragon Dreaming


Are you facing challenges in navigating your sustainable project? Do you find certain aspects missing, yet you're unsure of what they are? Join us to discover an inspiring, fun and pragmatic project management methodology at our exciting workshop inspired by Dragon Dreaming!Event description It's time to pause, gain a fresh perspective on your project, and […]

Community Building for Impact


Are you ready to inspire and unite others for a common cause? Dive into our workshop and learn how to cultivate a thriving community that amplifies impact and sparks transformative change.Event description This workshop focuses on the creation and development of communities, organizations or project teams to maximize their impact. It delves into strategies and […]

Learn to Structure Your Project Story


Looking to improve your project's storytelling to effectively engage your stakeholders? Join us for this workshop where you'll gain valuable insights and practical techniques to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.Event description Dive into the art of storytelling in this captivating workshop. Learn how to structure your project's narrative based on a thorough […]

Design Thinking

BFH, Brückerstrasse 73, 3005 Bern / Room: Greenfield

Ready to start your sustainability journey? Join our Design Thinking workshop, part of the START programme, and explore a creative, people-focused approach to developing impactful projects. Register now for our START Programme and take the first step towards making a real difference!Event description This Design Thinking workshop is part of our START programme for students […]

Communiquer Pour Mieux Collaborer: Introduction à la Communication NonViolente

CE1 106, EPFL

Plonge dans l'univers inspirant de la Communication NonViolente (CNV). Viens découvrir des clés de communication au service de ton engagement associatif ou académique. Développe ta capacité d'écoute et de compréhension, et transforme tes relations. Inscris-toi dès maintenant !Description de l'événement Renforce la collaboration dans tes engagements académiques ou associatifs grâce à cette conférence interactive sur […]

Be Inspired with Student Minds Network, youngCaritas and act now!


Looking to connect with organisations and movements that act for sustainability? This workshop is your gateway! Meet fellow students and discover inspiring projects, associations, and movements that can empower your engagement. Three organisations will present their initiatives, offering you direct opportunities to discuss with them and get involved. Register now and take the first step […]

Introduction to System Change


Curious to learn how we can transform entire systems to tackle climate change, social inequality and economic instability? These interconnected challenges require more than piecemeal solutions. Join us to discover the secrets of systemic change and learn how to tackle today's most complex problems with an awareness-based approach. Event description We face complex challenges such […]

Student Engagement without Burning Out


Interested to learn how to avoid the mental exhaustion or burnout often linked to sustainability engagement? Join us for a workshop with Seraina from the Student Minds Network, dedicated to advocating for student mental health in Switzerland. Discover practical tools, methods, and engage in discussions with other students.Event description Students who are involved in a […]