Sustainable University Day 2022: Students for Sustainability – Creating Connections

Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio Palazzo Canavée, Sala 1 Via Giuseppe Buffi 5, 6850 Mendrisio

A networking event focusing on student engagement with sustainabilityEvent description If you are a student in Switzerland, you can't miss this! In an engaging format you get the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with students and higher education institution representatives across the country who are interested in sustainability. This event is part of the […]

Formation «Sécurité, Prévention, Inclusion»

Lausanne, EPFL Bâtiment CE EPFL Campus, 1015 Lausanne

Comment mettre en place et maintenir une expérience safe et respectueuse au sein de collaborations et de projets/événements durablesDescription de l'événement Comment mettre en place et maintenir une expérience safe et respectueuse au sein de collaborations et de projets/événements durables? L’objectif de cette formation est de donner une réponse à cette question. A la suite […]

How to Fund Your Sustainability Project Idea


Information and tips for a successful U Change funding proposal Event description Do you want to contribute to sustainability, already know what needs to be done, but lack funding to get started? Or do you have a concrete project on sustainability and are looking for funding to make it a success? Join this workshop to […]

Social Sustainability Matters — Your Impact on Achieving the Agenda 2030

Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development, Hardstrasse 235, 8005 Zurich Hardstrasse 235, 8005 Zürich

Copyright: @Helvetas/Cinthya SotoLearn how to apply the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to projects and ideas within the social dimension of sustainability Event description Are you a student and also think that social sustainability matters? In this workshop you get to know the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, you learn how to […]

Sustainability Ideas and Projects — How to Win People Over


Learn how to get people to support your sustainability ideas and projects.Event description Do you want to start your own sustainability project? Or do you want to improve your current sustainability project? Do you want others to (financially) support your project? Or would you like more students to join in? In this workshop, we will […]

How to Fund Your Sustainability Project Idea


Join this workshop to find out about the funding programme U Change that can help finance your sustainability project! Funded student projects receive up to CHF 10,000. Event description Do you want to contribute to sustainability, already know what needs to be done, but lack funding to get started? Or do you have a concrete project […]

Collaboration Saine Dans Les Associations Etudiantes

Lausanne, EPFL Bâtiment CE EPFL Campus, 1015 Lausanne

Inscris-toi à cette formation pour en apprendre davantage sur les outils qui te permettront d'anticiper et gérer les conflits dans ton association étudiante pour la durabilité.Description de l'événement Comment faire pour anticiper un conflit dans une organisation bénévole d'étudiant.e.x.s et que mettre en place pour le gérer et le résoudre ? L'atelier "Collaboration Saine Dans […]

Focus Sustainability at Sustainable University Day

Uni/PH Building, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne Frohburgstrasse 4, Lucerne, Switzerland

Join this workshop to elaborate how students across Switzerland can get the best possible support to engage meaningfully with sustainability. Event description In an engaging workshop you get the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with students and higher education institution representatives across the country who are interested in sustainability. The aim of this workshop […]

How to Address Social Sustainability Challenges


Copyright: @Helvetas/Cinthya SotoJoin this workshop to get further knowledge on the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). Also, you will learn how to apply the SDGs to projects and ideas within the social dimension of sustainability.Event description Are you a student and interested in the topic of social sustainability? In this workshop you get further knowledge on […]

How to Fund Your Sustainability Project Idea


Discover how to secure up to CHF 10,000 for your sustainability project idea with the U Change funding programme. Learn from the successful founders of l’automate solidaire and turn your vision into action. Limited spots - Register now!Event description You are interested in sustainability, have your own project ideas and are still looking for funding? […]

Communiquer Pour Mieux Collaborer: Introduction à la Communication NonViolente

CM1 121, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Plonge dans l'univers inspirant de la Communication NonViolente (CNV). Viens découvrir des clés de communication au service de ton engagement associatif ou académique. Développe ta capacité d'écoute et de compréhension, et transforme tes relations. Inscris-toi dès maintenant !Description de l'événement Renforce la collaboration dans tes engagements académiques ou associatifs grâce à cette conférence interactive sur […]

Projets Durables; Du Rêve à la Réalité Avec la Méthode Dragon Dreaming

HES-SO, Lausanne Av. de Provence 6, Lausanne, Switzerland

Tu es étudiant.e d'une HES et as envie de découvrir une méthodologie de gestion de projets aussi inspirante que ludique ? Rejoins-nous pour cet atelier captivant de Dragon Dreaming  !Description de l'événement Dragon Dreaming est une méthodologie de gestion de projets inspirante, ludique et pragmatique, qui a pour objectif de faciliter la transformation des rêves […]